
The poinsettia (Euphorbia pulcherrima) is a popular ornamental plant known for its vibrant, colorful bracts (modified leaves), which are often red but can also be pink, white, or variegated. Native to Central America, poinsettias thrive in warm climates and are widely associated with the holiday season. Though commonly mistaken for flowers, the true flowers are the small, yellow clusters at the center of the bracts.

Recommendations for growing success:

Make sure the plant is kept in a warm, draft-free location with plenty of indirect sunlight. If your poinsettia is losing leaves, it may be due to overwatering, underwatering, or exposure to drafts. Water it only when the soil feels dry to the touch. Ensure any excess water drains into the pot cover, but be sure to empty the pot cover so the plant isn’t sitting in standing water which can be harmful to the plant. Remember, just as humans need food to thrive, plants require nutrients too. A general all-purpose fertilizer will provide the nourishment your poinsettia needs to stay healthy.

Temperature: 65°F -80°F during the day at least 60°F at night

Soil: Use a well draining soil

Watering: Allow soil to dry between watering

Light: Medium to bright indirect sunlight